Opening a new company chapter:
At the end of 2020 we moved into the new and spacious headquarters in Rankinestr. 1, Landsberg/ Germany.
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We moved into the new company headquarters in Landsberg am Lech which is located in the Greater Munich area/ Germany.
In 2001 we acquired FFFractionation, forming Postnova Analytics USA. The new company became the sole provider of all variants of Field-Flow Fractionation - Light Scattering systems, forming the world-leading company in the area of Field-Flow Fractionation.
Headquarter USA
Salt Lake City, USA
In 1995 the first commercial Asymmetrical Flow FFF (AF4) was developed by Dr. Thorsten Klein at Technical University of Munich, Germany. This system brought a new level of automation and separation performance to the market. Following this innovation and in order to accelerate a focused commercialization of AF4, he founded Postnova Analytics in Munich, Germany in 1997. With its first HRFFFF 10.000 series AF4, Postnova clearly had a mayor impact on the FFF market and became the leading innovator in the FFF arena.
Until that time FFFractionation had been the prime innovator in Field-Flow Fractionation, introducing many bench-marking innovations and patents in Field-Flow Fractionation. Also FFFractionation had been the main promoter for the commercialization of the Field-Flow Fractionation technology.
Prof. Giddings did not only invent FFF, but also he and his co-workers founded the world's first FFF company named FFFractionation, Inc. in Salt Lake City in the year 1986. FFFractionation, Inc. was the first company in the area of Field-Flow Fractionation, introducing the first commercial Field-Flow Fractionation instruments world-wide and became therefore has been known as the "Inventors of commercial FFF". These efforts have been underlined and honored in the following years by several R&D 100 Awards for some of these FFF products.In the 1990s the product portfolio of FFFractionation comprised Thermal Field-Flow Fractionation (Model T100), Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation (Model S101), Symmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (Model F1000) and Split FFF (Model SF1000 SPLITT). FFFractionation also was the first company world-wide to couple FFF with Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS) providing a unique set of high-resolution characterization systems for determination of absolute molar mass and particle size of proteins, bio/polymers and particles.
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In 1966 Field-Flow Fractionation was invented by Prof. Calvin Giddings at University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA. He was a highly respected scientist and outstanding personality who published a over 300 scientific articles and several books in the area of Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) and in general separation science as well. Later Prof. Giddings was also twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1984 and in 1994 showing the outstanding level and impact of his unique research activities.
In order to systematically study the Field-Flow Fractionation effect, he founded the FFFresearch Center at the University of Utah in 1972 which acted as a source for hundreds of FFF papers and where Giddings and his co-workers step by step developed the complete theory of Field-Flow Fractionation and all sub-techniques. In this FFFresearch Center Prof. Giddings and Dr. Marcus Myers designed and engineered the first real FFF prototypes which later have been used as templates for the commercial product development.
Prof. Calvin Giddings
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Milestones in Postnova History
2021 Postnova launches the new generation of AF4 Channels.
2020 Postnova has moved to newly built headquarters within Landsberg, Germany.
2017 Postnova launches the new EAF2000, an innovative simultaneous Electrical & Asymmetrical EAF4 system
2016 Launch of first Postnova Online Viscometer for FFF, SEC and GPC.
2012 Postnova presents its all new 21-Angle Multi-Angel Light Scattering (MALS) detector.
2011 Postnova presents its first own commercial Hollow Fiber Flow FFF (HF5).
2008 Postnova presents the new AF2000 thermostated Flow FFF.
2006 Development of world's first High Temperature Asym Flow FFF (AF4) for Polyolefins.
2003 New headquarters in Landsberg, Greater Munich area, Germany to ensure continued company growth.
2001 Postnova acquires FFFractionation Inc. in Salt Lake City, Utah – New Name Postnova Analytics USA.
2000 Invention of Slot-Outlet Technology for sensitivity enhancement in AF4.
1999 Invention of unique FOCUS-Technology for increasing resolution and recovery in AF4.
1997 Foundation of Postnova Analytics by Dr. Thorsten Klein in Munich, Germany for AF4 commercialization.
1995 Development of world's first commercial Asym. Flow FFF at Tech Univ. Munich by Dr. Thorsten Klein.
1994 Model F1000 Flow Field-Flow Fractionation most sold FFF instrument by FFFractionation.
1990 Launch of Split Thin Flow Cell Fractionation (SPLITT), Model SF1000, by FFFractionation.
1988 Launch of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation, Model F1000 Universal Separator, by FFFractionation.
1987 Launch of Thermal Field-Flow Fractionation, Model T100 Polymer Separator, by FFFractionation.
1986 Launch of Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation, Model S101 Colloid Separator, by FFFractionation.
1986 Foundation of FFFractionation in Salt Lake City by Prof. Calvin Giddings.
1966 Invention of Field-Flow Fractionation at Univ. Utah, in Salt Lake City by Prof. Calvin Giddings.