PN5120 Manual Injector & Channel Holder
The PN5120 Manual Sample Injector and Column Holder is a modular holder and injection valve for different FFF channels and SEC columns. It allows storage of 4 x 1 L, 2 x 2 L or 1 x 2.5 L solvent containers on the included bottle storage platform. Also included is a manual injection valve in organic or aqueous solvent version. A special section of solvent and waste bottles is available. The PN5120 can be used with different FFF separation channels, such as Micro, Mini, Analytical and Preparative FFF channels, HF5 channels and up to 3 standard SEC columns (300 mm). It comes pre-mounted with all connectors and capillaries.
Ordering Information
S-SAM-5120-001 PN5120 Manual Sample Injector and Column Holder organic
S-SAM-5120-002 PN5120 Manual Sample Injector and Column Holder aqueous
S-AF4-SYS-606 PN5120 AT Option for AF4
Injection Valve
• Rheodyne®* Injection Valve
7725i for organic solvents in SS
9725i for aqueous solvents in Peek
FFF Channel Versions
• Preparative Channel
Different material configurations available for aqueous or organic solvents
Inner Channel Dimension
110 x 295 mm
• Analytical Channel
Different material configurations available for aqueous or organic solvents
Inner Channel Dimension
30 x 295 mm
• Mini Channel
Different material configurations available for aqueous or organic solvents
Inner Channel Dimension
30 x 295 mm
The internal flow path is shorter in the mini channel compared to the analytical option
• Micro Channel
Different material configurations available for aqueous or organic solvents
Inner Channel Dimension
20 x 80 mm
SEC Column Versions
• Up to 3 SEC Columns; 300 x 12 mm
• Up to 2 SEC Columns; 300 x 12 mm
plus Guard Column
HF5 Channel Versions
• 10 KD PES Hollow Fiber Cartridge
• 5 KD PES Hollow Fiber Cartridge
Solvent Bottle Storage
• 4 x 1 L Bottles
• 2 x 2 L Bottles
• 1 x 2.5 L Bottles
* Rheodyne® is a registered trademark of IDEX Health & Science, LLC