PN7205 UV Disinfection Module
One of the sensitive parameters in Field-Flow Fractionation is the preparation and stabilization of the eluent. As in basically any aqueous media microorganisms will grow during a period of time which can cause serious problems.
The PN7205 UV Disinfection Module is designed to solve that problem by providing eluents for constant sterile conditions. It is a unique automatic and continuously working cleaning device for FFF eluents and preserves the sterile condition of any aqueous solvent.
It is well known that most filtered buffers soon become contaminated by airborne or otherwise introduced microorganisms. Aqueous eluents, which often become infected by these bacteria, will contaminate the complete solvent lines inside the FFF and the system performance will soon become deteriorated. Fluid lines, check valves, injection seals, membranes and most importantly light scattering detectors will eventually become fouled and contaminated by the non-sterile fluid. This then invariably leads to a reduced system performance, detector noise and in the worst case system failure which will lead to costly wasted down-time because decontaminating the system with strong solvents is required.
The PN7205 UVD Module runs completely automated and does not need any eluent stirring which can cause extra artifacts and contamination problems.
Also the light source is completely and safely encapsulated inside the UVD module and can be easily replaced by the user via a side door opening. The user will not be exposed to any UV radiation at any time while using the system or changing eluents.
The UVD can be used for flow rates from 0-10 mL/min and is ideal for any aqueous based eluents which shows acceptable UV absorption properties. The only spare part is the UV lamp which needs a replacement after a certain operation time (approx. 8.000 hours), depending on use and switching cycles. The exact status of the UV light source is displayed via LED at the front cover of the UVD module.
The PN7205 UVD system must not be used for pure organic eluents! For mixtures of aqueous and organic eluents it may be used in certain cases. Please inquire for more details.
Z-UVD-7205-001 Replacement UV Lamp
Please Note:
If a FFF system is shut down for a longer time we recommend changing the eluent independent if the UVD has been used or will be used afterwards. The module is working online and thus cannot prevent the growth of microorganisms which are already located inside the system and can continue to grow while the FFF is not in use.

Working Principle:
Eluent Sterilization by UV light source
Flow Rate:
10 mL/min for each channel
2 channels for parallel use
More channels on request
Dead Volume:
approx. 250 µL/channel
UV Lamp:
5 W, 425 mA, 15V@50Hz, UVC Output 1.2W, UVC@1m, 10 µW/cm2
Lamp Life Time:
8,000 hours
Parts which come in contact with the solvent:
Error Message:
Visually over LED at the system behind the front cover; main on/off LED line integrated outside into the system cover.
Power Requirements:
230/100 V; 50/60 Hz
Width x Height x Length
285 x 65 x 420 mm
5 kg